Los Tarrales Reserve, April 2007
As usual, there were many birds to welcome us around the eco-lodge: Orange-fronted Parakeets, Yellow-naped Parrot, Golden-olive Woodpecker, Baltimore Oriole, Vaux's Swift, and White-collared Seedeater. In the gardens around the lodge we had good views of Cinnamon Hummingbird and Long-billed Starthroat.

We had a training session with the young local guides. They are eager to learn so it was fun to help them to improve their bird identification skills, since some of them began birding just recently. On the short trails we had good observations of White-bellied Chachalaca, Violet Sabrewing, Tropical Kingbird, Masked Tityra, White-winged Tanager, Western Tanager, Rufous-browed Peppershrike and Grayish Saltator. Altamira Oriole and Rufous-naped Wren were making their nests, and Magpie Jays were already incubating. We also saw a King Vulture flying overhead.
A trail at an elevation of about 1400 m was good for observing Black Hawk-Eagle
and White Hawk flying by. We also found Blue-tailed Hummingbird, White-faced
Quail-Dove, Emerald Toucanet, Golden-crowned Warbler and Slate-throated Redstart.
White-eared Ground-Sparrows were moving through the undergrowth, and noisy groups
of Bushy-crested Jays and Black-headed Saltators were feeding in shade coffee
plantation. Numerous flocks of Cedar Waxwings were seen flying and feeding each
day at all altitudes.
Claudia Avendaño