CAYAYA BIRDING private Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua Guatemala oder Guatemala Stadt

Antigua Guatemala und Guatemala Stadt liegen im vulkanischen Hochland Guatemalas. Mehrere gute Beobachtungsgebiete sind erreichbar durch kurze Fahrten von 15 min bis 1,5 Stunden. Eine CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestour beinhaltet die Abholung von und Bringung zu Ihrem Hotel in Antigua oder Guatemala Stadt.

CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren, Rosenwaldsänger
Beobachten Sie Ihren Rosenwaldsänger auf einer Tagestour von Antigua oder Guatemala Stadt mit CAYAYA BIRDING.

Wälder in der Umgebung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt sind Lebensräume von Rosenwaldsänger (Cardellina versicolor), Schmuckwaldsänger (Parula superciliosa), Trugwaldsänger (Peucedramus taeniatus), Bronzetrogon (Trogon mexicanus), Blaukehlmotmot (Aspatha gularis), Lasurspottdrossel (Melanotis hypoleucus), Bindentrupial (Icterus maculialatus), Waglertrupial (Icterus wagleri), Singwachtel (Dactylortyx thoracicus), Brustbandvireo (Vireolanius melitophrys), Kapuzenkernbeißer (Coccothraustes abeillei), Amethystkehlnymphe (Lampornis amethystinus), Granatkehlnymphe (Lamprolaima rhami), Grünkehlnymphe (Lampornis viridipallens) und anderen besonderen Arten des Hochlandes des südlichen Mexikos und nördlichen Mittelamerikas.

Elliotelfe, CAYAYA BIRDING day trips from Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City
Elliotelfe Atthis ellioti, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und des südlichen Mexikos.

Während einer Bootstour aufs offene Meer vor der Pazifikküste können Galapagossturmtaucher (Puffinus subalaris), Keilschwanz-Sturmtaucher (Puffinus pacificus), Rosafuß-Sturmtaucher (Puffinus creatopus), Zwergsturmschwalbe (Oceanodroma microsoma), Schwarzwellenläufer (Oceanodroma melania), Nazcatölpel (Sula granti), Weißbauchtölpel (Sula leucogaster), Rotfußtölpel (Sula sula), Spatelraubmöwe (Stercorarius pomarinus) und Schwalbenmöwe (Xema sabini) erwartet werden.

Galapagossturmtaucher ist ein häufiger Besucher im offenen Meer vor der guatemaltekischen Pazifikküste.

CAYAYA BIRDING organisiert Halb- und Ganztagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua Guatemala und Guatemala Stadt:

  • Ganztages-Vogelbeobachtungstour von Antigua Guatemala: Vogelbeobachtung in einem oder zwei Beobachtungsgebieten, mit Mittagspause und optionaler Abendexkursion zur Beobachtung nachtaktiver Vögel.
  • Halbtages-Vogelbeobachtungstour von Antigua Guatemala: Vogelbeobachtung von Sonnenaufgang bis Mittag, oder Nachmittagsexkursion inklusive Beobachtung von nachtaktiven Vögeln.
  • Ganztages-Vogelbeobachtungstour von Guatemala Stadt: Vogelbeobachtung in einem oder zwei Beobachtungsgebieten, mit Mittagspause und optionaler Abendexkursion zur Beobachtung nachtaktiver Vögel.
  • Halbtages-Vogelbeobachtungstour von Guatemala Stadt: Vogelbeobachtung von Sonnenaufgang bis Mittag, oder Nachmittagsexkursion inklusive Beobachtung von nachtaktiven Vögeln.
  • Exkursion auf offene Meer des Pazifiks zur Beobachtung von Seevögeln, von Antigua Guatemala: Halbtages-Bootstour auf dem Pazifik, inklusive Transport von und nach Antigua Guatemala.

CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua Guatemala und Guatemala Stadt beinhalten:

  • Spezalisierter Guide für Vogel- und Naturbeobachtung.
  • Private Transporte.
  • Eintrittsgelder zu Naturschutzgebieten.
  • Abholung von und Bringung zu Ihrem Hotel (Antigua Guatemala oder Guatemala Satdt).
  • Checkliste zu erwartender Vogelarten

Weglänge und -schwierigkeit wird Ihren Wünschen angepasst.

Was Vogelbegeisterte sagen über CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren

Hinweise zur Buchung einer CAYAYA BIRDING Reise.

Birds seen on CAYAYA BIRDING day trips from Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City

Schmuckwaldsänger, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Der Schmuckwaldsänger Parula superciliosa kommt hauptsächlich im Gebirge Mexikos und des nördlichen Zentralamerikas vor.
Blaukehlmotmot, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Blaukehlmotmot Aspatha gularis, Endemit des Hochlandes des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Rosenwaldsänger, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Rosenwaldsänger Cardellina versicolor, endemisch im Hochland von Guatemala und des benachbarten mexikanischen Bundesstaates Chiapas.
Antigua Guatemala, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Bewaldete Hänge in der Umgebung von Antigua Guatemala bieten Lebensraum für viele regional endemische Vogelarten.
Brustbandvireo, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Brustbandvireo Vireolanius melitophrys, endemisch in den Bergen des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Rotnackendrossel, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Rotnackendrossel Turdus rufitorques, endemisch in den Bergen des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Guatemalazwergkauz, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Guatemalazwergkauz Glaucidium cobanense, endemisch im nöördlichen Zentralamerika und südlichen Mexiko, die südlichste Form des Gnomenkauz-Komplexes G. gnoma s.l.
Dreifarben-Waldsänger, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Der Dreifarben-Waldsänger Cardellina rubrifrons brütet hauptsächlich in den Bergen Mexikos. Ein Teil der Population überwintert in Eichen-Kiefern-Wäldern im Hochland von Guatemala.
Buntschwanz-Degenflügel, CAYAYA BIRDING day trip from Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City
Buntschwanz-Degenflügel Campylopterus rufus, endemisch im pazifischen Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Bindentrupial, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Bindentrupial Icterus maculialatus, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Kappenschwalbe, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Kappenschwalbe Atticora pileata, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Brustband-Schnäppertyrann, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Brustband-Schnäppertyrann Xenotriccus callizonus, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Schluchtenguan, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Schluchtenguan Penelopina nigra, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Eichenwald, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Feuchter Eichenwald in den Bergen von Antigua Guatemala und Guatemala Stadt.
Guatemalazeisig, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Guatemalazeisig Spinus atriceps, endemisch im Hochland von Guatemala und des benachbarten mexikanischen Bundesstaates Chiapas.
Bronzetrogon, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Bronzetrogon Trogon mexicanus, endemisch im Hochland von Mexiko und des nördlichen Zentralamerikas.
Hartlaubblaurabe, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Hartlaubblaurabe Cyanocorax melanocyaneus, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas.
Grünkehlnymphe, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Grünkehlnymphe Lampornis viridipallens, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Rostbrauen-Zaunkönig, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Rostbrauen-Zaunkönig Troglodytes rufociliatus, ein Endemit des Hochlandes des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und des südlichen Mexikos.
Laucharassari, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Laucharassari Aulacorhynchus prasinus.
Indigopfäffchen, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Männchen des Indigopfäffchens Amaurospiza concolor im Hochland von Guatemala.
Kapuzenkernbeißer, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Kapuzenkernbeißer Coccothraustes abeillei, endemisch im Hochland Mexikos und des nördlichen Zentralamerikas.
Guatemaladrossel, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Guatemaladrossel Turdus infuscatus, endemisch im Hochland Mexikos und des nördlichen Zentralamerikas.
Singwachtel, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Singwachtel Dactylortyx thoracicus, endemisch in Mexiko und dem nördlichen Zentralamerika.
Guatemalagoldspecht, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Junges Männchen des Guatemalagoldspechtes Colaptes auratus mexicanoides, endemisch im Hochland des südlichen Mexikos und nördlichen Zentralamerikas.
Weißohr-Grundammer, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Weißohr-Grundammer Melozone leucotis, endemisch im Hochland des südlichen Mexikos und Zentralamerikas.
Orangebrust-Schnäppertyrann, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Orangebrust-Schnäppertyrann Empidonax fulvifrons, endemisch im Hochland Mexikos und des nördlichen Zentralamerikas.
Rostrückenammer, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Junge Rostrückenammer Aimophila rufescens.
Schwarzrückenbekarde, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Schwarzrückenbekarde Pachyramphus major, endemisch Mexiko und dem nördlichen Zentralamerika.
Guatemalawachtel, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Guatemalawachtel Dendrortyx leucophrys, endemisch im südlichen Mexiko und Zentralamerika.
Weißbindenkardinal, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Weißbindenkardinal Piranga leucoptera.
Tränenwachtel, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Tränenwachtel Cyrtonyx ocellatus, endemisch im Hochland des nördlichen Zentralamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Sonnenuntergang am Fuego Vulkan, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Sonnenuntergang hinter den Vulkanen Fuego und Acatenango in der Nähe Antiguas.
Gelbkauz, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Alt- und Jungvogel des Gelbkauzes Strix fulvescens, endemisch in den Bergen des nördlichen Zentalamerikas und südlichen Mexikos.
Amethystkehlnymphe, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Die Amethyst-throated Hummingbird Lampornis amethystinuskommt hauptsächlich im Hochland Mexikos und des nördlichen Zentralamerikas vor.
Schwarzbrustzeisig, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Schwarzbrustzeisig Spinus notatus, ein Endemit Mexikos und des nördlichen Zenztralamerikas.
Purpurstirn-Saphirkolibri, CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren zur Vogelbeobachtung von Antigua und Guatemala Stadt
Purpurstirn-Saphirkolibri Hylocharis leucotis, endemisch im Hochland Mexikos und des nördlichen Zentralamerikas.

Was Vogelbegeisterte sagen über CAYAYA BIRDING Tagestouren von Antigua Guatemala und Guatemala Stadt

October 2023, Half-day birding tour from Antigua Guatemala
"We booked a 1/2 day private birding trip with CAYAYA BIRDING and it was definitely an awesome experience. Claudia’s extensive knowledge of birds and her dedication to research conservation made for a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The highlight of the trip was observing the many different hummingbirds at the flowers and feeders. We would definitely book another trip with CAYAYA BIRDING!!!"
Nancy McGee

September 2023, half-day birding tour from Antigua Guatemala
"I cannot say enough how amazing this half-day tour with Claudia was. My husband is a relatively experienced birder, and I was more of a novice, and Claudia was totally at ease with both of us. She took us to multiple locations, all with great vantage points and lots of diversity. We learned so much about the area around Antigua too! She knew all the bird songs and calls and would have the spotting scope focused on the bird before I even found my binoculars. She gave us a list of area birds and we marked down all the ones we saw; even outside of breeding season we saw dozens of new species and more than a handful of uncommon species she was especially excited to see! I'm a lecturer in ecology and conservation in the US, and the research and conservation work she and CAYAYA BIRDING do throughout Guatemala (which they fund with tours!!!) is world-class and extremely important. It was an honor and a joy to spend the day with someone so knowledgeable and interesting and to support the work that they do. We would recommend this tour to anyone with an interest in nature, birders and non-birders alike. Thank you so much Claudia!!!"
Amy & Jeremy King-Henry, California

August 2023, half-day day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"Claudia and Knut are amazing scientists, naturalists and birders. They gave us a very engaging two-hour tour to our large family group at Finca El Pilar outside of Antigua. They engaged with all members of our group, from the grandmother to the eight-year-old. Everyone especially enjoyed the hummingbirds, and the whole group got to see many other birds in the spotting scope, including a pair of beautiful Black-vented Orioles. In the past, Knut and Claudia have taken me on serious birding outings, and they are the best in the country for that as well. I could not recommend them more highly for both serious birding and for more casual nature tours."
Kevin Omland, Baltimore, MD

August 2023, day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"Knut has unsurpassed ornithological expertise and experience in this country. His knowledge and skills in the forest were exceptional. Simply put, he knows all of the birds and where to find them. It was also impressive in how rapidly he could get a scope on each bird even in dense vegetation. The tour included very pleasant stops for breakfast and lunch. We very much enjoyed Knut's company with plenty of time at each location to seek out as many birds as possible. We also got to meet Claudia to end the day among hummingbirds. I will book with CAYAYA BIRDING again while in the country and definitely recommend them to my birding friends. "
Michele Kelly, USA

May 2023, 2 half-day birding tours from Antigua Guatemala
"Claudia took us birding to nature reserve near Guatemala City. She organized to stop for us to get breakfast. We started birding early before park was opened, and really enjoyed Claudia’s knowledge, ability to find birds and really interesting information. She was a real pleasure to birdwatch with, enjoyed every minute." John Larrea, USA

February 2023, half-day birding tour from Antigua Guatemala
"Our guide Knut, from CAYAYA BIRDING, was one of the most knowledgeable bird guides and naturalist that I have ever hired. I have birded with professionals on 6 continents and Knut truly stands out as one of the best! Not only could he identify the birds by sound and visuals but he shared his extensive knowledge about the plants and trees. His passion for Fincar El Pilar is only surpassed by his drive to help others understand the beauty here. We were able walk away knowing that CAYAYA BIRDING is not only there to show you the birds but help you understand the need to preserve this amazing place. Don't hesitate to contact CAYAYA BIRDING!"
Patricia Wimpfheimer, USA.

September 2022, day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"We did a full day birding tour from Antigua to Finca El Pilar with Knut in September. Knut is very knowledgeable, experienced and well organized guide. He picked us up in our hotel on time and he was a pleasant company. How many birds depends on many factors but with Knut you cannot go wrong."
Milan Jamrich, USA

October 2021, half-day tours from Antigua Guatemala
"Claudia Avendaño is an exceptional guide and we loved all of the great local information about things other than birds! Claudia and Knut are to be congratulated on what they have achieved in building up birding tours in the Antigua region - Finca El Pilar and Los Tarrales especially."
Chris Harbard , USA

January 2020, day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"Claudia Avendaño and Knut Eisermann are likely the two most experienced bird guides in Guatemala. I have been birding with them several times at El Pilar and Finca Filadelfia near Antigua. Both are extremely knowledgeable, organized and delightful to be with. As they are local, they have detailed knowledge of birds, birding sites, transportation and logistics of Guatemala that no international tour organization could possibly compete with. If you need some key target species for your life list, or if you are a just an ecotourist in Guatemala and you want to get out and see some birds, CAYAYA BIRDING is the way to go."
Kevin Omland, Baltimore, MD, USA.

December 2019, day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"We (my wife and I) spent a wonderful day with Claudia Avendaño near Antigua. We saw many birds, including a great collection of hummingbirds. As well as being very knowledgeable, Claudia was a great companion. We are very much novice birders and she took great care to introduce us to the birds. All in all, it was a great day out."
David Eisner, Manchester, UK.

November 2019, CAYAYA BIRDING day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"My wife and I spent a wonderful day with Claudia Avendaño birding at the end of a weekend stay in Antigua. We have gone birding with world class guides in Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica and Panama, and I can say without hesitation that Claudia is in that class. Given that she and Knut Eisermann are the longest running bird guiding outfit in Guatemala, it is to be expected that she knows and can find the birds of Guatemala better than anyone else. That she is a professional ornithologist, and active in conservation only makes recommending CAYAYA BIRDING that much easier. Most importantly, she was able to take account of our age (early 70s), infirmities (altitude impact) and conditioning to give us the measured activity that allowed us to enjoy our day and see what we came to see. She is as quick to line birds up in her scope as anyone I've birded with, and knows the birds of Guatemala and where to find them from her more than 25 years of study, field research and leading trips all in Guatemala. Claudia is a delightful, charming and interesting woman who clearly enjoys doing what she does so well. "
Joel Rosenthal, Miami, Florida, USA.

October 2019, CAYAYA BIRDING half-day tour from Guatemala City
"We completed a half-day birding tour to Tecpán with Claudia Avendaño. She had sent us detailed information about what to expect for the trip. She was very punctual and we promptly left for our adventure. I considered myself a beginner birder and my husband comes along as he enjoys the nature trails as much as I do. We stopped at Rincón Suizo to eat breakfast and review some bird information. Claudia is a wealth of information! We were very impressed. This lady certainly knows her birds. We plan on going on another birding tour in the future and highly recommend her. "
Marta Ketter, Illinois, USA.

July 2019, CAYAYA BIRDING day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"Claudia Avendaño is a professional ornithologist, Birdlife International consultant and naturally a great birder! Tecpan gave us the opportunity to search for Blue-throated Motmot and Pink-headed Warbler both of which Claudia found but birding here without a guide would be very difficult. El Pilar trip started with a visit to some superb hummingbird feeders which were excellent with so may hummers across six species. If you're a photographer be prepared to spend some serious amount of time there! I have no hesitation in recommending CAYAYA BIRDING and especially Claudia. "
Katherine Branch, United Kingdom.

March 2019, CAYAYA BIRDING day tour from Antigua Guatemala
"Great tour of Pilar forest. Claudia Avendaño is clearly and excellent and experienced guide. Would recommend her any day."
Wendy Baker, Canada.

October 2018, 6-day birding tour in southern Guatemalan highlands
"Five days in the company of Knut Eisermann birding the hills and valleys of the countryside surrounding Antigua, Guatemala was an absolute delight. Knut is as much an ornithologist, with a special interest in owls, as he is a birder and this made the trip extra special. I am a serial guide user in the Americas and Knut is up there with the best of them."
Kevin Buckley, New Jersey, USA.

October 2018, CAYAYA BIRDING day tour in Tikal and in Antigua Guatemala
"My first time in Guatemala will be unforgettable thanks to Claudia and Luis of CAYAYA BIRDING. They both were professional, excellent guides and most of all great people. Everything went as planned and I had a great time."
Edwin French, Chile.

July 2017, day trip from Antigua Guatemala
"Great birding and great company by a knowledgeable guide, my day trip to Tecpán and Antigua was problems-free and full of regional endemics. Knut Eisermann (and Claudia Avendaño) took care of everything before my arrival to Guatemala, and in the field he was very professional (but treated me like a friend, what I appreciate a lot). I got most of my targets and many other goodies! Thanks guys!"
Jan Axel Cubilla, Panama.

June 2017, day trip from Antigua Guatemala
"Claudia Avendaño was very professional and knowledgeable. Her English was impeccable, and I felt very comfortable spending the day with her. She was lightening quick with her spotting scope, and as a result I was able to see many birds I never would have seen without her assistance. She was a good listener and answered all my questions. I was impressed with her keen ear for the birds. I would highly recommend CAYAYA BIRDING tours to any bird lover. It is worth every penny!"
Tina Collins, USA.

May 2017, day trip from Guatemala City
"We were very pleased with our trip. Very much appreciated the expertise of Claudia Avendaño, who demonstrated extensive knowledge of birds, habitats, and ecology. Everything from our timely pickup, birding, meals together, and transportation was pleasant and professional. Claudia was very patient with our desires to take photos, and linger at various spots. She was an expert in quickly locating and drawing a bead on numerous species."
Bryan & Judy Hollinger, USA.

August 2016, day trip from Antigua Guatemala
"Since the first response to my email, I realized that CAYAYA BIRDING was a great find. The information provided and the proposed plan were just what I needed and it all went as expected. The professionalism of Claudia Avendaño was amazing and finding the target species seemed like a routine for her. Besides the great birding, I had a very pleasent time talking about plants, geography and culture."
Esteban Biamonte, Costa Rica.

July 2016, day trip from Guatemala City
"Birded with Knut Eisermann one day in Finca Pilar close to Antigua. Would have to say he is one of the best birding guides I have ever hired. The Guatemalan Pygmy-Owl and the Ocellated Quail were just two of the great birds we saw that day. Without him as a guide I would have found very few birds. I have also birded with Claudia Avendaño, and they are both great birding guides."

July 2016, day trip from Antigua Guatemala
"At first, I didn't know what to expect, but I was taken completely off guard at how great this trip ended up being! Knut Eisermann was my guide, and he is incredibly knowledgable about the birds of Guatemala (it appears his partner, Claudia Avendañois as well). It was fun to see a veteran birder get as excited as a kid when finding a bird that he sees almost everyday. I highly recommend CAYAYA BIRDING for any birding experience. I will be going with them again before I go home! They plan everything for you, leaving you with nothing to worry about!"
David Schas, USA.

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Planen Sie heute Ihre Tagestour von Antigua oder Guatemala Stadt!
